August 31, 2013

Novel yg dibeli buat uma emang bagus tapi...... untunglah dia males bacanya, coba kalo dipaksa sampe abis. Wah. Hazel Grace sm Augustusnya udah dewasa. Bab 12. Udah gitu katakata mereka cukup rumit ditambah sm tokoh peter van houten. Nyaris.


Antara sial atau mungkin emang beneran sial. Baru aja sembuh melawan sakit yang gak parah2 amat eh udah kena musibah. Niatnya mah mau minum sesuatu yang ngebuat seger eh malah ngebuat muntah. Lagian susu udah 1 abad msh aja disimpen dikulkas, kalo banyak isinya mah masih kelas lah ini... Salah sendiri juga sih, garagara penyakit lupa yg tak kunjung membaik yang menyebabkan semua ini! *bunyi petir* Aduh, jadi kronologis yg menginspirasi ketikan kata anak abg yang labil ini itu adalah sekotak (kecil!) Susu *************milk yang belum dibuang dan masih desimpen sebaris sama satu kotak susu yg baru banget dibeli. Awalnya mau minum susu yg baru tapi ngeliat disebelahnya ada susu yg sudah terbuka entah kenapa ini otak bener2 gak inget. Lupa kalo susu yg baru dibeli tp udah diminum siang (belinya siang 2) udah dilempar ketempat sampah. Pas buka kulkas otak kasih perintah "minum yang sisa tadi aja, sayang." Padahal sempet kepikiran perasaan tadi udah abis. Eh malah balik nyangka mungkin lupa td disisa pas mau makan. Yaudah langsung sedot aja.


Itu lagi muntah2. Rasanyaaaaaaaa wah. Basi!!!!!! Gaenak. Kalo basi dalam menjalani hidup yg tiap hari manteng TL twitter sih masih nikmat, kalo basi yg dirasakan lidah itu bener2 deh. Tersiksa. Meskipun hanya setetes yg masuk kemulut.
Shock abis. Basinya bikin nangis dan muka merah. Kalian hati2 deh kalo punya makanan atau minuman yg disimpen terus2an dan gak di cek.
Ini masih untung korbannya udah tua, gimana balita?? Wah.

Ihhh rasanyaaa :&

August 28, 2013

Did you believe these rumors? Cause, I don't.

Hey guys. I just wanna tell you something. It's about Taylor's stfu at the mtv vmas.
Haters and people (Media first) judges If Taylor Swift said 'stfu' to 1D, I mean Harry when they presented Category Best Pop Video.
But, if you smart you will tweet 'No. She didnt said that to Harry.'
The fact is Taylor said stfu to selena because selena thought that she won't win (Selena is one of nominations in Best Pop Video.) She said 'Im not gonna win blabla' and Taylor said stfu because she believed that her bf will win. (And finally selena won this award) But, mtv made Taylor looks like said that to Harry.
But, some people thinks that Taylor actually said 'Sorry for my arm' to selena because she removed her arm from selena at the time.

And the other stupid rumor are 'Taylor's speech dissed Harry' and 'One Direction reactions to Taylor Swift stfu and speech'
But, Liam you should know that IKYWT is about JOHN MYER, not HARRY.

Thankyou and sorry because I didn't put the gifs.

August 16, 2013

August 01, 2013

Cesc Fabregas is My Football player Crush and Taylor Swift is my role model.

Hi! I'm Nurul! I'm a 17th years old girl on a mission.

I bet you guys have more than one idol. right? So, I am.

Before I'm obssesed over Taylor, I'm first obssesed over Cesc. Cesc is a football player from Spain. Now, He plays for Spain National Team and FC Barcelona.
He is so handsome and cute guy!!! I really love her mustache. It makes he looks maskulin :D

Cesc is really handsome. I sware :) He is a great person! Great player! Great daddy! And great idol =) He have visited 2 times to my country but, I can't meet him :"(

And Taylor, she is my inspiration, My role model, and My favorite girl in this world :)

And I believe I will meet Taylor and Cesc as a person, one day.....

Everyday I just thinking about Cesc and Taylor. Yep! I Think if they dating. it will be a perfect couple!!!! :3 Aren't they?

Taylor is the sweetest girl I've ever seen and Cesc is the coolest guy I've ever seen. I'm crazy thinking how to make them together -_-
Everyday I always tweets them and edit their pictures, hoping they will dating.

But, I realized that is impossible! Cesc has been dating with Daniella since 2011 and now they have a cute baby girl named Lia Fabregas Semaan. And Taylor? Hopefully, she will get her prince charming as soon as possible and happily ever after :)
Aamiin :)

I always keep praying for them!
LoveLove xoxo